Art therapy for trauma – Children’s Accelerated Trauma Technique(CATT)
Perhaps your child has experienced one or more traumatic events. The impact of trauma can have far-reaching negative impact on everyday life. Nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, irritability, hypervigilance, avoidance, sleep difficulties and feelings of isolation are common symptoms. As trauma specialists, we know that trauma can be overcome, and that post-traumatic growth is possible given the right therapeutic approach.
CATT is an integrative trauma-focused therapy that fuses cognitive behavioural theory with creative arts methods and human rights principles, creating a holistic child-centred intervention that helps children and adolescents overcome PTSD and complex trauma. Most trauma-focused therapies have been created for adults and then adapted for children and adolescents. But as young peoples’ mental and emotional capacities to process trauma memories are different to adults, that’s where CATT is different.
Developed alongside children and adolescents, CATT fits with UK NICE guidance (2018) and World Health Organisation guidelines (2013) on treating children and adolescents with PTSD and complex trauma. CATT helps young people to process their traumatic memories in a safe, child-friendly way.
CATT For PTSD & Complex Trauma enhances your therapeutic practice to help children and adolescents heal from childhood trauma and reclaim a happier and more stable future.
Specially trained Art Psychotherapists available to deliver a 12-part protocol specifically designed to transform your child’s experience of trauma and promote post-traumatic growth. Please refer using the link below. this will take you to a form that is for individual art therapy, please indicate that your child has experienced trauma on this form.
DONATE NOW TO REDUCE YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS Your Support Funds Art Psychotherapy sessions
Untapped is committed to reducing youth suicide and self-harm in the Bournemouth area. We specialise in supporting children/young people who are neurodivergent and who have experienced trauma. Your donation will make a huge difference, Thank-you!